Monday, January 22, 2018

Reading Options

When I think of "mythology and folklore," the first thing that comes into my mind is stories. Growing up, we are always different stories and fables that have been passed down throughout the years. When looking at the UnTexbook for the first time, I noticed all the different stories I could click through, but I noticed how they're based on different regions of the world more importantly. Stories come from every part of the world and from every different culture. One that stands out to me is the Cherokee Myths. Since I am a tiny bit Cherokee, this fascinates me because I don't know a lot about the stories and myths. When looking at the different stories in this unit, the rabbit is a common theme and I think it's because the rabbit traditionally is known for trickery in Cherokee culture.

Another unit that caught my eye were the myths from South African culture. In this class, I hope to expand my knowledge of other cultures I'm not that familiar with and one of them is the South African culture. When I think of Africa in general, I think of all the exotic life forms that inhabit the continent. Looking at these stories, it seems that a lot of the stories are based on different animals and how they interact which can be very interesting.

The last unit that caught my eye was Russian Fairy Tales. The overview explains how the stories are based on legends of the undead and include a mixture of fictional characters to explain the stories. That really intrigued me because I know Russian culture had a lot of stories about how "undead" subjects can affect the culture.

I'm excited to read these stories because I know they are all going to be very interesting and I will learn a lot about different cultures and their beliefs at the same time.

Sadko from Russian mythology underwater
Source: Wikipedia

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